Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What Should I Pack To Visit Australia?

By Jerry Duncan

If you find yourself drawn to the Tropical North region for your next holiday, then you are probably a nature lover who is looking to explore the great outdoors. A trip to Australia is a true natural adventure, but once you have decided on the perfect accommodations you will want to make a list of things to pack. These items will help to make your stay in the Tropical North Queensland more comfortable and enjoyable.

1. WALKING SNEAKERS AND HIKING BOOTS- Your explorations are sure to take you through the rain forest and maybe even have you climbing a little. This can become extremely difficult is you do not have the proper footwear. You can bring the dresser shoes for your nights out on the town, but you want to be sure that you have comfortable shoes while you are on your explorations.

2. SAFETY KIT- You will not need a hundred dollar first aid kit, just something simple and practical. Leave it in your car while you are traveling or throw it into a backpack during hikes or rain forest explorations. You may never need to open it, but at least you have it with you.

3. CELLULAR PHONE- A cell phone is something that will prove very useful should you get lost or injured. Before utilizing your phone internationally, however you will need to acquire a SIM Card.

4.MAPS AND GPS - If your car rental agent offers a GPS system then take it, or try to bring one with you. If you are renting a vehicle this can be very helpful when traveling, but don't rely solely on it, many times these systems are not completely accurate, so make sure that you pick up some of the latest maps available so you also have a hard copy in case you get stuck.

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