Wednesday, December 23, 2009

United Kingdom Risks Of Speeding Offences

By Christos Chalfont

Traffic accidents that have the highest rate of severe injuries are usually caused by someone who was perpetrating some speeding offences. This and driving while under the influence are some of the higher causes of traffic deaths on the roads today. Just because your car can go faster does not mean you have to do it.

Driving faster than the legal limits can endanger you and people who are innocent bystanders. Serious injuries can be caused due to these unsafe driving practices. How would you feel if you actually killed another person just because you could not adhere to the speeding limits posted?

If you are pulled over for speeding then you will most likely receive a ticket at this time. You may be able to go ahead and pay your fine to the on scene patrolman or may have to go to court within 7-10 days and pay it then.

If your speed is clocked way over the limit posted then you run the risk of facing serious criminal charges and will be carted off to the jail for processing.

You will then face a judge and they will determine whether you can keep your driving license or whether it should be suspended at that time for a certain amount of time. They may also make you take a driving course for safety and you will have to pay a larger fine as well.

Being a safe driver is important not only for teens just starting out but for us adults too. Why put yourself in a position to potentially lose your license or worse your own life or that of loved ones in the vehicle with you or cause serious harm to someone who was abiding the posted limits and obeying all traffic laws?

Speeding offences are not worth the problems they could cause even if you think no one will see you or no one will get hurt.

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