Thursday, December 24, 2009

Riding With Motorcycle Sunglasses For Health

By Tina Ussefsky

Do you ever stop to think how much you would miss riding if you lost your sight? Most people do not think about this much less those who ride motorcycles. A good pair of motorcycle sunglasses will save your sight. This is plain and simple advice. Why wait for a life changing trauma to make you "see" the light?

One day I was riding, wearing typical reading glasses. I had been doing this for a number of years. Travelling behind a dump truck (even though I was not close), one little piece of gravel was all it took for me to experience disaster. The gravel hit my lenses, the lenses shattered, and my eye was hit. This caused me to wreck my bike and thankfully I did not lose my life.

To me, I believe sight is the most important ability when it comes to riding. If you can not see, you do not know where you are going. But, you should not trust your sight to just any old pair of glasses. There are glasses for reading. There are glasses for blocking the sun. There are also glasses for riding.

But, for me the overall importance is the protection it gives my eyes. If you can not see where you are going, you will most likely get into an accident. Just as a vehicle needs a good quality windshield, your glasses need to be of high quality.

Small rocks, and pebbles, can and do get kicked up by other vehicles. Not only that but, have you ever been hit in the face, by a bug, as you are traveling sixty-five miles per hour? This does not feel good but, more importantly, a bug hitting you in the eye this fast can cause great damage to your eye.

In searching for a pair, you will definitely want to browse to find the pair that suits you. Do not simply settle for the first pair you see. If you are not happy with them, you will not wear them. You need them to fit your head, not someone else's head. Go to shops which sell these items and try on a few glasses.

Make sure you search for a pair which is comfortable when worn. If you are pinched, or bound, you will probably not use them. What good will this do you if they are hanging in your closet, or laying in your saddle bag? If you hate shopping, no big deal. Simply get on the Internet and surf around. There so many choices and you will find what you seek. You will not regret the money you spend for your motorcycle sunglasses.

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