Monday, December 28, 2009

The Sunshine Coast Back Story

By Zane Archer

There is a weird group of volcanic crags about 20 km north of Caboolture called The Glass House Mountains. The story of them is called the Weeping Mountain and his Wayward Son. It is an aboriginal legend that tells of the rocks being a family of Mountain Spirit's.

It is said that the Mountain Spirits were reigned over by Tibrogargan, who is said to be the father of all tribes. His wife, Beerwah and he had children, of which Coonowrin was the oldest. He also had twin sibling, Tunbubudla and Coochin, as well as Ngngun, Tibberoowuccum, Miketeebumulgrai and Elimbah.

One day Tibrogargan was looking out towards the coast when he noticed the sea level rising. Anticipating a flood, he became fearful for Beerwah who was close to the water. But he was also concerned about his children and would not be able to save them all. So Tibrogargan called to his eldest son Coonowrin to help his mother. As Tibrogargan gathered his younger children he looked behind him to see if Coonowrin and Beerwah were safe, but to dismay Coonowrin had fled and left his mother unassisted.In a blinding rage, Tibrogargan picked up his club and struck Coonowrin dislocating his neck.

After the flood waters had gone down, they all were able to go back home. Once the other children saw Coonowrin's crooked neck, they teased him . This shamed him and he went to his father for forgiveness. Tibrogargan was so distraught, he wept in despair asking how his son could have left his own mother. Coonowrin said that she was bigger than any of them, so could take care of herself. He did not realize that she was not big, she was very pregnant. Coonowrin's siblings began to cry and their tears created many streams all the way to the sea.

The law of the tribe said that he could not forgive his son's disgrace, so he had to forsake him forever. Even now, Tibrogargan faces outwards to the sea while his son still hangs his crooked neck, crying. And Beerwah, is still pregnant.

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