Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Traveling During The Holidays

By Thomas Clarke

Traveling during the holidays can be an overwhelming adventure. The longer distance that you have to travel the more overwhelmed you will feel. One way to make your travel plans simpler is by utilizing a vehicle to reach your destination. If you choose to travel by vehicle there are many ways that you can make it a fun, fast and stress free trip.

One thing that you can do to minimize travel stress is rent a vehicle. This will save the wear of travel on your vehicle and provide you with the comfort that if something should happen your car will be replaced for you. If you want to take you own vehicle then you should be sure to get a complete tune up, including oil change, tire alignment, and more. A proper running vehicle can save a lot of money gas over the course of the trip.

The nice thing about driving to a destination is that you can pretty much take along anything that you want to take. You can take as many cloths and as much luggage as you want. There is usually enough room for games and books and movies and anything else that you might need to keep your family busy.

Another benefit to driving is the ability to bring food, drinks and snacks in the car with you. There are many advantages to this. First, it will save you time and money if you do not stop to purchase food when traveling. It will also save money when you reach your destination, since you can bring food to place in your accommodation saving you the expense of meals out.

Now, there are some benefits to flying and they are pretty apparent. If the trip is a long distance, you could spend the entire holiday driving to get there and back. Even with the waits and delays in the airport, it is generally quicker for long trips. There is also a convenience factor. Traveling by air makes you a thriftier packer and makes you only take what you need to get you by. This is especially true these days since most airlines are now charging for luggage and more for each piece. Traveling lighter can make the whole trip a little bit easier. There is no use lugging all that extra stuff through all those terminals if you don't have to.

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