Monday, December 28, 2009

Protecting Yourself When Traveling Overseas

By Thomas Clarke

When you are traveling internationally you will often find that learning the laws and the ways of the unfamiliar land, will make it less difficult in getting around. Therefore any stress related to visit the international destination will be put at ease. If you are planning on traveling internationally you should follow the following tips that will assist in a safe travel experience.

First, establish if the airline that you are flying on is reputable. Research that they follow standards established by the International Air Transportation Association for safe travel. If you need more details regarding an airline, typically the Federal Aviation Administration or the European Union Regulators has information available on the internet regarding most airlines across the world. These organizations can also help you find information on airlines that have been banned to fly in either the European Union or the United States. The United States also offers Consular Information Sheets that provide detailed information for countries throughout the world. This can give you better information regarding the safety and security you can expect when you arrive in the foreign country.

Remember to register with the United States State Department prior to departure. This allows for the State Department to better assist you in case of emergency. You can do this for free via their website.

The next step in the process is to make sure that your passport is valid and updated. You want to be sure that you have current emergency contacts listed, all your all the other information is current as well. It is also important to leave a copy of your passport and travel itinerary with family members at home.

The next thing that you need to be careful of is your luggage. Never leave you luggage unattended or ask a stranger to watch your bags for you. In the same respect you also never want to agree to assisting another by carrying their luggage or packages for them.

Before you leave the States you should read up on the laws of the country that you are traveling to. Be sure to pay attention to acceptable items to bring into the country and check you luggage to ensure that you have only packed items that will be approved by customs.

Another way to ensure your safety is by trying to fit in best you can, without drawing extra attention to yourself. You should avoid wearing flashy and expensive jewelry, never carry large amounts of cash, and try to act like you know where you are going and that you are doing (even if you don't).

If you are planning on utilize a rental car while on your vacation you should be sure to contact your insurance company to see if you are covered for international car hire driving.

Once arriving at your destination, only accept rides from authorized agents. Also, only have money exchanged through reputable companies; this can help you avoid forgery or violating any local laws.

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