Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How To Plan Your V.A. Beach Fishing Charter Adventure?

By Zack Manning

Have you ever noticed that your best vacations and trips are the ones that you started planning way ahead of time? Those trips that you start packing away things for as you have more time to think. Planning a month or so ahead of time for a your Virginia Beach fishing charter trip is the best way to go so it won't be one of those trips where you don't get halfway there only to start remembering everything that you forget to bring.

The first thing you are going to need to do is decide what kind of fish you would like to have a go at catching. If you aren't sure of the kinds of fish that are in the waters off Virginia Beach, you could call the captain of the charter boat you are thinking of reserving and ask him.

The fish that you are going to be fishing for may need a certain test line or type of rod. You should talk to the captain about the type of fishing gear you will need to bring along including the bait. Some charter trip captains provide all the fishing tackle and bait that you will need. This would be included in your total price and would save you from having to pack so much.

The next step in planning your charter fishing trip is to get a total price and pay your captain a deposit on your trip dates so he will be assured that you are in earnest about your plans to be there. A lot of people will make these kinds of plans then leave the charter boat waiting when they could have arranged for someone else to take that spot. This will cause that captain to lose money. If you learn that you won't be able to keep your scheduled trip date, be sure to call and cancel so someone else can take your place. This is just common courtesy on your part.

Fishing rods, tackle, and bait are the most important items you will need to have on your Virginia Beach fishing charter trip. You will want to make absolutely sure the captain doesn't include any of these things before you pack them up to take with you onto the boat. If the case is that you will be taking your own fishing gear, talk to the captain about what kind of fish he thinks you will catch. This will help you in determining what kind of rod and reels to take. You should take a variety of test line and a couple of different rods as well.

Your food for the tip may be something that is provided by the captain. If not, then you need to put all your munchies and drinks into a cooler and take everything you are going to eat and drink like that. Some charter trips will allow a few alcoholic beverages to be drank while fishing. Talk to your captain about whether or not alcohol is allowed on is boat.

Always remember to wear the right clothes. You will need a jacket even during the summer months because the mornings on the water are chilly. You don't need to wear shoes that could be slippery when thy get wet and end up causing you to fall. Tennis shoes with a good tread or deck shoes are the best choices. Bring a change of clothes in case you get dirty. You may end up smelling like fish.

You will absolutely love your Virginia Beach fishing charter excursion. Hope for good weather and plan ahead for the best fishing experience you could ever have.

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