Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Craft Activities - A Few Simple Tips!

By Stacy McDonald

Christmas is the time for giving. It is also the time for decorating. In fact, Christmas is the perfect time for Christmas craft activities. Teaching kids by example that Christmas doesn't have to be the expensive, environmentally disastrous holiday that it is turning out to be is one major reason why more and more people are looking at these Christmas activities for inspiration. This is a good alternative to the cycle of buying, spending, and wasting that happens every December. These creative activities can be a tool for bringing back the true spirit of the season. While doing this activity with the kids, you could tell them about the symbolisms of each Christmas ornament. You could reminisce about Christmases past. A family tradition could be started right then and there.

Before starting on your Christmas craft activities, here are a few tips that you can do:

1. Keep all of your supplies and materials throughout the year. Have a shoebox handy and fill it with little doodads and knickknacks that may come in handy for later use. You can include fabric, wrapping paper, pages of magazines, ribbons, strings, egg cartons, cereal boxes or ornaments.

2. Search for some great craft ideas. Home made and recycled crafts are very much in demand all year round. There will be many ideas to inspire you.

3. Keeping your workspace tidy and organized will help to also inspire you more than having more than enough materials.

4. If you plan on doing these activities with children, talk to them before you get started. Show them some pictures. Tell them that they have all the freedom they want, and that you are just there for guidance.

5. Make sure that all products of the Christmas arts and craft session are sturdily glued, strung, or otherwise put together. These will be used as ornaments, to be hung in the branches of a Christmas tree, on a wall, or by the door.

6. Set aside an area for the home made ornaments to dry

Following these basic guidelines before starting Christmas craft activities will ensure their success, and hopefully years of enjoyment for you and your children.

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