Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Underwater Adventure In Brisbane Australia

By Kathy Smith

Moreton Bay is the perfect place for deep sea diving, no matter what time of year. From intriguing wreck dives to stunning see life, Moreton Bay has much to offer. If you are staying in the Brisbane area there are numerous PADI, Professional Association of Diving Instructors, centers that offer services in the Moreton Bay.

One of the better known dive sites in the Brisbane area is the collection of 15 vessels at the Tangalooma Wrecks on the western or landward side of Moreton Island where dives range in depth from 2 to 10 meter with an average of about eight meters. The wreck attracts an amazing amount of marine life, including wobbegings, trevally, king fish and lots of tropical fish, they also make excellent drift dive because of the strong currents in the area.

The next area of interest is the Curtin Artificial Reef, just north of Moreton Bay. This is a great destination to dive at, and is favored by those with intermediate qualifications. Dive depth in this area range from 12 meters to 30 meters and is complete with large vessels, cars, tires and pontoons. These items have all been placed her by the Underwater Research Group of Queensland, and also attracts a variety of wonderful marine life. All underwater objects are completely safe for dives to explore.

The next dive, that is worth noting, is the Mantra Ray Bommie. The dives in this area are anywhere from five to fifteen meters deep. During your underwater exploration if this area you will get a chance to observe manta ray, leopard sharks, shovel nose rays, and much more.

Flinders Reef is Brisbane's only true coral reef and is a fully protected marine sanctuary, situated 5 km northwest of Moreton Island ,the site offers dive walls, gutters ,caves ad pinnacles ad at least 112 coral species. Flat Rock, off the north eastern tip of Stradbroke Island is one of the most exciting dive sites near Brisbane. The rocky island is surrounded by beautiful coral reefs and is a great spot to see turtles, leopard sharks, eagle rays, reef fish and pelagic fish. It is most famous for its gray nurse shark population that gathers at a site called "Shark Alley" each winter. Dives is generally from five to thirty meters and visibility up to twenty meters.

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