Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quick Simple Christmas Activities For Children

By Nicole Dean

Making fun Christmas ornaments doesn't need to be a complicated affair. Keep it simple with just a pile of silly things and watch your kids have fun! Simply spend time with your kids working on delightful Christmas ornament crafts and create memories and fun decorations at the same time! Here are a few easy projects to make with your youngsters.

Candy Cane Reindeer: Get ready to make a whole bunch of these. Once you start you won't want to stop. You'll need some candy canes, of course, and some small googly eyes and red pompoms. You'll also need some brown pipe cleaners, pretty gift ribbon, and a tiny bell.

Take the pipe cleaner and wrap it around the hook of the candy cane forming a V. Then bend the V into several angles to look like reindeer antlers. Glue the eyes on, then the pompom nose. Tie the ribbon on to form the hanger and string the ribbon through the bell for more decoration. Hang the reindeer from your tree or wreath for a pretty and fun decoration.

Noodles Wreath: Noodles, or pasta, is a great material to work with. It's inexpensive and paints up very well. You'll need some noodles of various shapes and sizes, some sturdy paper plates, some craft glue, poster paint or craft spray paint, and ribbon or other embellishments to decorate the wreath.

To assemble, cut a hole out of the center of the paper plate to form a wreath shape. Choose an array of interesting pasta noodles and glue them around the wreath trying to cover the entire front of the paper plate. After the craft glue has dried, take your tempura paint or craft spray paint and paint the pasta. Let the paint dry. Tie the ribbon into a traditional wreath bow and then glue it to your wreath. Make several in different colors and styles to decorate every room in the house!

Cinnamon Cookie Ornaments: These ornaments are very old fashioned and smell wonderful. Gather your supplies first. You'll need a big mixing bowl, cookie sheet, cookie cutters in shapes that you like, a straw or toothpick for poking a hole in the ornament for hanging, and some pretty thin ribbon. The ingredients are: 1 cup of ground cinnamon, 4 tablespoons of white glue, and 3/4 to 1 cup of water.

Put the cinnamon and glue in a bowl and start pouring the water in a little at a time. Mix and keep adding water until you get a dough similar to sugar cookies. Put the dough in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Take out a cutting board and sprinkle cinnamon on it, then place the dough on top and knead it until the dough is smooth. Roll the dough out like cookie dough, about 1/4 inch thick. Sprinkle a little more cinnamon on the cutting board if the dough sticks. Use your cookie cutter to cut out shapes you want, poking a hole in the top of each one for a hanger. Place the shapes on your cookie sheet and bake in a warm oven for 2 hours. Remove and cool, then tie the ribbon through for hanging. Hang from your tree, wreath, or give them as gifts.

Once you start looking, you'll be surprised how many easy Christmas ornament ideas are out there to make with your children. When the days get long over this holiday season, gather your little ones together and make some fun new homemade ornaments... and some memories!

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