Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Top Christmas Presents For Him

By James Hayden Rayburn

Presenting men is not as fussy as presenting girls. Which explains why, you would find the top ten Christmas presents for him being less intricate than that of girls's. With that having been said, there are two men I know who are intensely finicky of the gifts they get. For all such men, you have to be careful of selecting a gift for Christmas. And for all such folks, here's a list of Top 10 Christmas presents for him.

Perfumes This surely needs to be the top most choice when you talk about Top 10 Christmas presents for him.

Sun shades Men would never say no to shades. They might have 5 pairs of it, yet would need another.

Electronic Gadgets This is not to say that women do not love their devices. But present a person a contraption, and you would see a grin on his face.

Belts you would never find a person saying no thanks to good belts that he could wear around his waist. Leather belts ala Crocodile are in the vogue.

Blazers Gift a stylish Blazer to your man, and he would already have got something that he could wear in meetings.

Vehicle Accessories Men love their vehicles, and they'd be completely delighted if you present them with one. Remember, depending on the accessory you need to present, you would need to pay.

pro dairy or a notebook If your guy attends lots of meetings, he certainly would be needing a notebook where he could record notes of the meeting. Gift him a notebook and consider one of his needs met.

After Shave Lotion To the eye, this may seem like one of the most frivolous gifts. But a person would definitely appreciate this coming from his girl.

Sports Accessories See the smile on the face of your bloke when you gift him with a golfing club.

Books This is obviously for the intellectually inclined. Presenting books to your guy won't be well received by your guy if he has least interest in books. But if he does, trust he would treat the book as a dear asset at that.

It is sort of clear that gifting men on Christmas is obviously not a challenge. You simply have know what your bloke wants. Naturally, you can refer to top 10 Christmas presents for him, but be prepared for the gift to your fellow to be totally different anyways.

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